
The services we offer:

Muscle Restructuring Treatment

If you always suffer from soreness and pain around shoulder, neck, back, lower back, or knee areas, Muscle Restructuring Treatment will be a solution for you. You will have one-on-one consultation with our professional Rehab Specialists and we will help finding out the causes of your pain problems. By identifying and pointing out the imbalanced muscles/joints, we will tailor personalised treatments to help relieving pain problems in an effective and efficient way.
If you always suffer from soreness and pain around shoulder, neck, back, lower back, or knee areas, Muscle Restructuring Treatment will be a solution for you. You will have one-on-one consultation with our professional Rehab Specialists and we will help finding out the causes of your pain problems. By identifying and pointing out the imbalanced muscles/joints, we will tailor personalised treatments to help relieving pain problems in an effective and efficient way.

Prehab & Post-hab Programme

Even though your pain problems have already been solved, but the same spot is so vulnerable and easily injured? Prehab & Post-hab Programme will be the service you needed. By participating in different trainings and exercises, your muscle strength and endurance will be enhanced and will be capable of preventing injuries (pre-habilitation) and/or strengthening damaged muscles and joints to lower the chance of pain relapse problems (post-rehabilitation).
Even though your pain problems have already been solved, but the same spot is so vulnerable and easily injured? Prehab & Post-hab Programme will be the service you needed. By participating in different trainings and exercises, your muscle strength and endurance will be enhanced and will be capable of preventing injuries (pre-habilitation) and/or strengthening damaged muscles and joints to lower the chance of pain relapse problems (post-rehabilitation).

Education Seminars

In partnership with Osteopath, AFHK will organise Education Seminars/ Workshops from time to time. It aims at broadening the knowledge of general public towards skeletal and muscular structure, deepening the understanding of pain prevention resulted from strains and bad postures, learning various stretching and trainings to avoid/handle injuries, thus allowing more people to enjoy a painless healthy life.
In partnership with Osteopath, AFHK will organise Education Seminars/ Workshops from time to time. It aims at broadening the knowledge of general public towards skeletal and muscular structure, deepening the understanding of pain prevention resulted from strains and bad postures, learning various stretching and trainings to avoid/handle injuries, thus allowing more people to enjoy a painless healthy life.